Full Moon in Leo

Hey,  you! It’s a Full Moon tonight. The Moon is in Leo. It’s a hot and dry moon. It’s a pleasure Moon. 😉
What to DO and what is NOT to DO:

1) Take all your crystals and bath them in the moonlight, even if it’s cloudy.

2) Put a few empty plastic bottles with water outside under the moon and ask the water to bring you mental, emotional and physical healing. If it’s not very cold, put some glass jars . I reuse glass bottles after juices. Or go buy some spring water in jugs in grocery store ( 2-3 gl)

I place crystals and necklaces around these while they get recharged with the Moon.

3) Take a salt bath tonight or tomorrow. Salt will absorb your Auric contamination, and see how it will go into the drain, when you are done bathing.

4) The Moon in Leo is a very dry Moon. Drink a lot of water and drink some relaxing tea. Avoid coffee. It will do the opposite to what you want.  Put some lemon or lime in the water and drink that.

Moon in Leo affects Heart, so please take care of your heart as much as you can for 2 more days.  Listen to some pleasant music.

5) Do some jugging and even run if you can. It will do good cardio for you. Don’t overdo it, because if your heart is already weak you will stress it.

6) Check for some Leo crystals in store. One of these are: olivine/peridot, citrine, Clear quartz,pyrite, carnelian, mookaite/mookite, and of course Sunstone. There are more other crystals, too many to list.

7) Wear orange or golden colored clothing or jewelry.

8) Also think about what would you like to let go of that limits you in any way. Maybe there are some fears. I’d address these first by recognizing these and “tapping” them away. If you need some help or have questions about EFT, ask away. I am just a few clicks away from you.

It’s a great time to set intentions of what you’d like to “clean up” in your life or maybe body.

Full Moon reveals some hidden problems that will be felt as tensions or stress either in your mind or/and in your body. You don’t need to carry these even if you can. Releasing these especially during the Full moon will only make you stronger and happier in every way. This Full Moon’s effect will last for the next 3 days  even though the Full Moon is tonight and a little tomorrow.

9) If you know what this Moon conjuncts in your natal chart, pay attention to it and take proper measurements.

10) Surgical and Medical Tips: Avoid surgery to the upper back, heart, spinal cord sheaths, wrists, gallbladder. However, these couple of days are useful for nourishing these same regions.

It is not recommended to do any surgeries/ cutting procedures on this upcoming Monday. Period!

Heart Aorta will be affected as well. Cancel/ Postpone surgery on this as well as complications will arise dramatically. During the Leo Moon blood pressure arises and any small cuts will release a huge blood flow.

11)  The Leo moon is a HOTTEST and dry Moon, (though warmly affectionate). Drink more water and stay cool, as you will feel warmer today. You will feel more energetic and exercising today will be more pleasurable and beneficial to you.

At this time, body fluids and electromagnetic energy pull readily to the upper back, spinal cord sheaths, upper spinal cord, heart, gallbladder (with Capricorn, Saturn and Mars), and wrist.

Enhances muscular strength and command. Impacts the blood pressure, heart, gallbladder, and back. Circulatory disorders and vision problems. Heats the blood and organs. Dehydrates! Increases patient willfulness, affection, temper.

Do not ignore your  pains and/or refuse medical help.

Might experience weak back, circulatory disorders, vision issues, backache, dehydration, infertility.


I also do some other Full Moon rituals. Like writing on a piece of paper what I want to release during this cycle ( 28.5 days) then burning it under the moon. And some other “witchy” stuff. 😀


I hope you will try any of these or all suggestions. I do all of it 🙂